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Nokia N97: The pros and cons

Fleishman South Africa were kind enough to lend me a Nokia N97 for a couple of weeks. This phone was coming into focus for me as an upgrade competitor to the iPhone 3GS. Add to that, a fairly nifty digital marketing campaign and my interest was piqued. Straight into it then … The PROs * […]

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The Dalai Lama will trump China — soon

China’s ban this week on tourists to Tibet — in the run-up to a Cold War era style military parade — will further strengthen the resolve of supporters of the Dalai Lama and, at first glance, the unrelated Chinese pro-democratic movement. Every time they restrict Tibet’s freedom, they, ironically, bring freedom’s day closer.    In […]

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What is Pastor Ray up to?

How honest is the jarring partisanship instigated by Pastor Ray McCauley? Would another church leader such as the archbishop of the Anglican Church have gotten away with inviting one political leader to their congregation in the middle on an election campaign? Maybe, but would anyone have gotten away with a blatant refusal to invite the […]

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Our carceral society

In Discipline and Punish (his genealogy of modern penal practices) Michel Foucault makes the following observation: “Is it surprising that the cellular prison, with its regular chronologies, forced labour, its authorities of surveillance and registration, its experts in normality, who continue and multiply the functions of the judge, should have become the modern instrument of […]

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Google drops a bombshell on Apple

Today Google released enhancements of two of their products which seems pretty normal by the looks of it. However, these two updates were targeted primarily as a move to trounce Apple. These two applications are Picasa (a free photo managing and simple editing suite, for Windows and Mac) and Gmail Sync (Google’s free email service). […]

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Picasa is simply irresistible

When it comes to free photo-editing software, an amateur is spoilt for choice. It seems that big players are competing to bring their solutions into what used to be a very niche field, reserved for enthusiasts. For example, IrfanView, which we often recommended to our sellers for editing the images of items earmarked for sale […]

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The race debate is a dead end

I’m an anthropologist and I study humans and in particular am fascinated by how they see themselves and create often strange and even contradictory things called “identity”. Most of us, and I would argue all of us, actually have multiple identities. And the answer is yes; this does create a rather schizophrenic species of great […]