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Speak African

By Theo Mapheto Just why leaders in South Africa insist on communicating with their followers in a foreign language beggars belief. Take Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe’s address at Ntwampe in Limpopo Province on the occasion of the National Heritage Day celebrations for example. Look, Motlanthe’s first language is Sepedi and the masses who descended to […]

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Who’s eager to face the Blue Bulls?

It’s funny what a few weeks can do to change the complexion of things. The Tri-Nations was still under way, the Sharks and Western Province looked to be favourites (touch wood there for all those wearing blue and white … it’s been a very long time) and Griquas looked to be ruining the established province’s […]

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Feminists shoot themselves in the foot

We live in a world where marketing your message is critical, whether you’re selling a commercial product or sanctuary. Even the most inherently good messages can be lost when shrouded with layers of extremism and contrast. The idealist in me hates that fact. The realist in me doesn’t like it much more, but works with […]

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China’s taking over

The above title is one that’s often seen in sensationalist news reports these days. But is it true? Is China really taking over Africa? And what does “taking over Africa” really mean? “China has supported development in Africa since independence,” said Sanusha Naidu from the social networks movement Fahamu. She was speaking last week at […]