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What would you do?

Yesterday a German artist released his exhibition of Nazi Gnomes in a square that was once used for pro-Hitler parades. The exhibition has 1250 gnomes moulded into a typical Nazi salute. This salute, and any other pro-Hitler rhetoric is illegal (for humans) in Germany. Some gnomes are golden and others are black. The artist claims […]

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M-novels on the rise

M-novels, or mobile novels (stories on your cellphone) are on the rise in South Africa, as Michelle Matthews explained so well in “Cell-lit is all the rage”. In SA there is about 10% PC-based internet connectivity, while the number of people with access to cellphones ranges from 60% to 90% (depending on which community you […]

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Should Santana get the chop?

A tournament where the hosts never get beyond the first round is always dreaded because the general buzz and interest dies down. Bafana are not doing enough to allay this fear. France went all the way in 1998, South Korea kept the torch burning after Japan got knocked out when they were co-hosts in 2002 […]

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The dream of 1994

Fifteen years into the post-apartheid new South African dispensation we’re hearing growing groans and murmurs lamenting the long-lost dream of 1994. This was a central theme of Cope parliamentary leader Dr Dandala’s campaign speeches as he criss-crossed the country and it prominently features in the Dinokeng Scenarios Report in the form of the “Promise of […]

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I beat up a cripple

Before you judge me let me explain myself. I’ve always believed in treating all equally. Even the people society has taught us not to treat equally. We have been told to treat certain people more gently than others, with kid gloves. Unfortunately this may be the primary reason I will never be nominated for, never […]

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Who loves the abuser?

Could I abuse someone? This is a question I have repeatedly asked myself recently after reading the voluminous blogs on this site about abuse and its many grotesque manifestations: child abuse, rape and violence against women, to name a few. As someone who has been physically and mentally abused, it is not an easy question […]

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At random

1. Glenn Agliotti — best exponent of the in-box own goal ever? 2. Am I the only who finds the thought of two grown men walking around Sandton City buying each other clothes and accessories just a tad erm … otherwise? 3. In light of the Hans van Dyk “Hannibal Lecter of Ellis Park” incident, […]