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Africa deserves better leaders

This whole world, especially the African continent, is fast running out of leadership material. When you look around, it is very easy to see successful men and women who have “made it” in politics or business, whatever that means. In fact, the number of people, especially in the African community, who have made it in […]

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Bok ratings vs Italy

Wian du Preez 7 — Good, solid if unspectacular debut. Welcome onboard son. Good to have a sound alternative to Beast. Adriaan Strauss 7 — Again. Solid, no fireworks, but not much wrong either. Also handy to have when Bismarck needs a rest. They are doing some seriously good work in the Free State with […]

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Henry the Fraud

Forget the Thierry Henry of Arsenal days. Forget the mazy runs, the languid sprint and the delightful finishes. There is only one Henry that football will remember, and that is the cheat who popped up on Wednesday night. He used to be revered as “Titi” the legend, but he can now remove a single “i” […]

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If Jews were suicide bombers

As Jews one of the first things we learn is that suicide is absolutely taboo. It can never be condoned in religious terms and accordingly should never even be contemplated. There are even separate burial laws for those who have done the deed. Of course in logistical terms there are far more compelling reasons why […]

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“Scrum, scrum, scrum!” The immortal words whispered down from Springbok generation to generation. Someone must have forgotten to tell the vintage of 2009. The Springbok year-end tour is destined for the annals of disaster as the Springboks succumbed to their third tour defeat in a row against “SA – Racens” last night. The English are […]

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When good rugby goes bad for R3m

You might ask what do the Springboks and Stuart Tinner have in common. If your answer is £250 000 (about R3.1 million) you would be right. Each received £250 000 for last night’s performance and some may argue that Tinner showed more talent. Tinner by the way is the chap, who in his socks, kicked a 30m punt […]