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Video sex

“You saying that you want me. So press record, I’ll let you film me”. Sounds enticing? Well what about “Do you like what you see? You want to video me”? Even better –“What? You want me naked. If you liking this position you can tape it on your video phone.” Beyonce is one of the […]

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Think dry

What is it about the festive season that makes people want to kill themselves and each other? Strange question, I know, but I spent the night of the 25th and early hours of the 26th December with the drunks and depressives at hospital in the casualty department. I could probably count on one hand the […]

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Test cricket is very much alive and kicking

This year has been a tumultuous one for Test cricket. Many scribes have begun writing obituaries for the game that has formed the cornerstone of cricket competition for over a century. In relation to the ever-constant changes different sports have undergone recently, especially within the last 20 years where the iron grip of professionalism has […]