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Commonwealth Games a waste of time

Can anyone tell me what is happening at the Commonwealth Games, apart from the obvious chaos away from the actual sports? I certainly wouldn’t, because in reality I don’t care. While there might be those who say the Commonwealth Games have a place in the international sporting calendar, I firmly belong in the camp that […]

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Australia’s strength within

Since my arrival in Melbourne, I have spent much time trying to figure out what makes this island continent and the people who live here tick. It should be said that what follows is merely my opinion, so after you read this and you have something to add, please do so. Australia itself shares certain […]

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Why I hate smokers

My disdain (that borders on a hatred) of smokers has nothing to do with my desire for a nanny state or for social controls to stop smokers from smoking. I really do not mind if people wish to smoke and harm themselves, but the problem is that smokers do not just harm or affect themselves. […]

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Absa’s real game plan

Do you want to hear something funny? The big news to have hit rugby over the past few weeks hasn’t been Peter de Villiers-motivated, or related to anything on the field. No, this honour belongs to Maria Ramos and Absa. Ever since they sent that fabled SMS to Oregan Hoskins, they have been receiving a […]

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Waiting for the rains

By Isobel Frye Johannesburg is dry and parched, the red earth waits for rejuvenation and our memories turn to the brilliance of purple jacaranda flowers to lift our souls and fill us with wonder and quiet moments of joy. In the meantime, we continue to plod on in our daily lives. We open our papers […]

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What if Saru had fired De Villiers?

By Langa Sigodi From the moment that Pieter de Villiers was announced as Springbok coach in 2008, it was evident that win or lose, his tenure would be remembered for one thing, his race. After a dismal Tri-Nations, the calls have been loud for him to get the axe. After his performance review, he has […]

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Delhi: The games people play

The views in this article have been expressed in the author’s private capacity The debacle surrounding India’s competency to host the Commonwealth Games begs two “tricky” questions. Firstly, is there still a place in today’s world for the Commonwealth? And secondly, what was India thinking bidding for the Games? My views on each follow. Is […]

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Rudolph back as Proteas circle the wagons

The release of Cricket South Africa’s various squads last week showed where the selectors see “the future”. Rusty Theron, who should’ve already made his debut for the Proteas, was the big winner in the T20 squads while Loots Bosman should count himself lucky considering his very sketchy international record. The big calls were made with […]