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The Valentine’s Day massacre

When Ernest Rutherford split the atom for the first time in 1917 he raced home to tell his wife Martha the incredible news, as you do, and was surprised to find himself walking into an iceberg colder than the one the Titanic had encountered five years earlier. “Fascinating,” being her only response. The father of […]

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10 things Alberto Contador should do during his ban

10. Spend lots of time with his wife. 9. Watch An Idiot Abroad. Brilliant show! 8. Tweet during Tour de France stages. Stuff like “@andyschleck, you know I would have beaten you today” and “@bradwiggins, b*#ch please, stop frontin”. 7. Do more sit ups in seven months than Alejandro Valverde did in two years. Apparently […]

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NHI: infected with doubt

Health systems news and health systems financing news, in particular, seldom get the nation talking. But the announcement of the imminent arrival of National Health Insurance (NHI) on our shores, and the subsequent release of the policy paper on the NHI, certainly did. And rightly so! For a country that spends a respectable percentage of […]

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Men, dogs, violence and fear

By Nadia Sanger The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) is a public hospital in Bridgetown in the Western Cape that provides services to sick animals. There are always queues at the PDSA; the staff are over-worked and the hospital is under-resourced. Most animal guardians who cannot afford private vet fees visit the PDSA or […]

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An open letter to the dooses of South Africa

Dear Dooses You know who you are. This guy is a doos. So is this one, and this one, and these cops, these nurses, this teacher, this radio DJ, this spokesman and this pastor. At least two of our neighbouring countries are run by dooses of awe-inspiring dimensions. Noseweek should be retitled “Doos Monthly”. There […]

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City still on course for title

Howard Webb isn’t very popular in the blue part of London right now. The burly referee, a policeman, had a hand in awarding Manchester United two penalties in the second half of their clash with Chelsea on Sunday, with Wayne Rooney obliging. United threatened but Chelsea were ones who had a 3-0 lead in the […]

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The Facebook failure

By Wicked Mike Let’s face it: Facebook withholds information so that fact and hype are difficult to differentiate. With Facebook aiming for a $10-billion initial public offering (IPO) in 2012 that would value the company at $100-billion, and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, a media celebrity even before The Social Network was released, it’s easy to […]