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Getting to grips with customer needs

Exceptional customer service is the holy grail of business. Communication and marketing teams around the world focus on this key element, but despite the focus it receives, exceptional service remains elusive at best, and often highly problematic for many organisations. One of the primary reasons for this is that the interplay between technological evolution and […]

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Outdoor stoving

The Australian likes the outdoors. He likes a bit of time in the garden, down the beach, out in the bush. So it stands to reason that he should make a good braai. But to be blunt, he doesn’t. There is no art to the Aussie braai. In fact, you can hardly even call it […]

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Tsolekile has it all to do

Cricket South Africa named their list of 22 centrally contracted players for the 2012/2013 season, and it would fair to assume that the biggest eyebrow-raise was reserved for Thami Tsolekile, for all intents and purposes, being named Mark Boucher’s Test successor after he was awarded a contract. The vexing question of who replaces Boucher in […]

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You may already be using UC

Many companies and individuals already use a form of unified communications, whether rudimentary or quite advanced.   Basic dabblers On the ‘basic’ end of the scale, solutions take a wide array of forms, often entailing point products. Most small organisations or individuals dabbling in UC at this level are at an early stage of their […]

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The superficiality of our culture

This morning, re-reading Nietzsche’s early essay of genius about the strife between the ancient Greek gods, Dionysus and Apollo – The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music – I was struck anew by the utter superficiality of the (global) culture we live in. This superficiality was captured succinctly by Theodor Adorno in […]

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Saru’s Super Rugby riddle solved

It is agonising to watch the South African Rugby Union (Saru) wrestle with what might appear a most complex solution to including the Eastern Cape in Super Rugby. Yet the solution to this is extraordinarily simple, delivering a non-conflict remedy that would otherwise decimate South African rugby to the benefit and advantage of the Kiwis, […]

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Troubles with capitalism

Anyone who has been reading international news media such as TIME magazine recently will have noticed that people seem to be very worried about capitalism, judging by article headings such as “How to fix capitalism”, “Is capitalism broken?”, “Let’s fix this mess”, “Capitalism under fire” and “Keeping Wall Street honest”. In one of these – […]

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Soap bubble media

For my inaugural Thought Leader blog, I thought it appropriate to explore what exactly a blog is, as opposed to what a column is, or a feature or other form of journalism, and how I come to find myself here. After the demise of the failed Newstime site, where I authored the Bush Babe column, […]