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Vehicle sales speak volumes

Last week’s post looked at the most expensive asset most of us will ever buy: property. This week we’ll take a look at vehicle sales and what they tell us about the economy as a whole. Cars, bakkies and trucks are expensive. For most of us consumers, after our houses, vehicles are the most costly […]

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Sharks need a plan and fast

Well that’s a pretty disappointing start, isn’t it? A moment of magic sparked by Paul Jordaan in the 72nd minute of that dull arm wrestle in Tshwane. And that’s pretty much it as far as bothering the tryline has gone for the Sharks in 2012. Its been pretty moribund stuff really. Not poor, but certainly […]

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Saving our children by sobering them up

By Liezille Pretorius Dear Comrade Angie Motshekga, The problem I wish to address with you is the issue of alcohol misuse in schools. It is my opinion that the current contention around the alcohol-free schools campaign is flawed because it doesn’t take into account the child’s unique socio-economic/politic circumstances. In this letter I show that […]

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The days of our politicians’ lives

By Gosiame Legoale I have a president who has an affinity for showers and an appetite for women, matched only by my imagination when boastfully declaring to any who would care to listen exactly how many skirts I’ve accounted for. I have a deputy president who has no official deputy first lady to utilise as […]

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Greed the only reason for Indian T20 game

Greed: an excessive desire to posses wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one’s self. In today’s modern world, it’s a very important concept considering it was greed that led to the collapse of Bear Sterns which was the prologue in what has become the Great Recession. Greed […]

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Freedom fighters urge rendition, death penalty

Freedom fighters – people who are going through a divorce – have a number of interim applications available to them in order to ensure that there is sufficient maintenance and security pending the final decree being handed down by our courts. These unfortunately are never enough for most spouses who are going through a split […]

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It’s time for a cruise aboard the Costa Discovery

Are you bored to tears listening to the latest on Malema, sick to death of hearing Motlanthe going on about Spurs being legitimate title contenders for the premiership or Zille harping on about scrapping the currency and introducing tokens if the DA comes to power? Well fret no more because Costa Cruises, the British-American owned […]