Posted inGeneral

The war on women and men

You have to be able to talk for someone to hear you. You have to be able to speak the same language for someone to understand you. You have to be able to express yourself if you want someone to be able to empathise or sympathise with you. But what if you can’t talk? What […]

Posted inSport

Feel it, it is here

People are walking with a spring in their steps. They tread as though the ground is bouncing them to higher goals, higher dreams, higher hopes. People crowd the streets, mingling their colours, their genders, their sexualities all united towards a single goal — to be South Africa. Stony stalwarts of anti-South Africanism have had to […]

Posted inGeneral

The politics of personal space

On Friday a woman on the train repeatedly slapped a disabled man. She then spent twenty minutes of train ride justifying her actions very loudly to all of the other passengers and trying to recruit others to support her reaction. Need she have done this? The man in question is a frequent train beggar. He […]

Posted inGeneral

Take back the right to sexual pleasure

Do you remember your first time? For every person this may mean something different. Some smile fondly whilst others cringe at the extreme embarrassment surrounding their “first time”. Most people immediately think of sex, but really, this isn’t the only first significant time for most people — certainly not for most women. If you’ve read […]

Posted inLifestyle

Is God bad for you?

Are all religions like a cult? If you have a number of subscribers who believe that by following a particular way of life, and performing particular activities regularly they will be taken to some place better, and will be better people, is this madness? Should we have any faith in faith? My friends and I […]

Posted inGeneral

It’s hard to be free

Democracy promised us many things and freedom was one of them. Bathed in the light of a brightly coloured rainbow, we were told that we were finally free. Somehow, some of us are still asking “Does that apply to me?” Freedom for many people means the ability to choose the path they want, get onto […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Today’s conspiracy theory

It’s quite simple. Imagine if the plan was never to oust Mbeki in favour of Zuma, but in fact to put Malema in place as our president from the beginning?! Why not do it straight away then you ask? To put Malema against Mbeki would have seemed ludicrous. I mean, Mbeki is practically an “agent”. […]