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Who is the coach?

We have a problem in this country. Our standard of coaching is not acceptable. Why, is the question we should all be asking. When this amazing country became free and fair we opened up the opportunities by another 45 million people at the time, I think we have failed SA sport by not doing more. We […]

Posted inGeneral

Doing evil to do good

I have just finished reading Robert McNamara’s In Retrospect, which seeks to provide answers to why the “best and brightest”, who, after skilfully navigating the Cuban Missile Crisis, led the US into the tragic Vietnam War. President Barack Obama’s team, apparently, diligently studied this period of history when they drew up the new administration’s Afghanistan […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Why a free news media is essential to economic prosperity

Musician Frank Zappa famously remarked that communism collapsed because people want stuff. That is an oversimplification, clearly, because a closer look at the history of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe shows that each country was different. Moreover, the desire for democracy rather than simply material well-being should also be considered. Yet there is […]

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Measuring website conversion rates

Conversion rates have long been the determining factor of a website’s success — whether you have a fully fledged e-commerce website, lead generating website or other, your conversion rate (usually) determines the overall return and success you are getting from the website. But what exactly is conversion rate? Most people measure a website’s conversion rate […]

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Stage 2 of Cell Tour of SA cancelled

Stage 2 — 163km — Montecasino via Soweto to Montecasino Stage 2 of the Cell C Tour of South Africa was neutralised due to traffic concerns on the road. The race started off well, leaving Montecasino in the north of Johannesburg towards Soweto. Attacks were fast and furious with Johan van Zyl (Toyota CSA), Christiaan […]