Posted inGeneral

Experience is key, coach!

In the modern day and age of immediate satisfaction we sometimes, as sports coaches, overlook our own job — to coach. To coach means to develop, to develop means to take a specific interest in a person who is also your player and build this person’s character and skills — this means caring as well. […]

Posted inLifestyle

Sustainable fishing

Global fish production has reached an all-time high, according to Nourishing the Planet’s latest research for the Worldwatch Institute’s Vital Signs Online publication. Aquaculture, or fish farming — once a minor contributor to total fish harvest — increased 50-fold between the 1950s and 2008 and now contributes nearly half of all fish produced worldwide.According to […]

Posted inBusiness

Africa in the aftermath of the recession

Many African scholars and politicians have repeatedly made the point that Africa remains behind other regions or continents as a result of the historical injustices it endured for centuries. Disturbingly, though, the injustices have taken a different form over the years, particularly by the so-called developed world. This is not to say that part of […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Freedom of the African internet

Ahead of May 3 World Press Freedom Day, a new study of 37 countries gives the state of play for internet freedom in six African states. Here’s the pecking order: South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zimbabwe … and Ethiopia. (Yes, there’s a place even more restrictive than Zimbabwe.) Although South Africa’s internet freedom leads, our […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

SA needs more entrepreneurs

In South Africa, the phrase “no quick fix” is often associated with the black box phenomena we accept when mulling unemployment — labour market inflexibility, competitiveness and regulatory reform are but a few. Small business development is another such a cure for unemployment for which there is — you guessed it — no quick fix. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Season finale — United States of Gullible

We open on a triumphant Saturday night White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Our hero, Barack Obama, trumps a toupee sitting in the audience with a birth certificate all the way from Hawaii. The toupee accused Obama of being non-American so we start the dinner with clips from Karate Kid and Hulk Hogan’s Real American song playing […]