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What to look for in a technology partner

When getting your digital media campaign off to its best possible start: Choose right With new online, mobile and social innovations emerging almost every day, digital marketing initiatives must draw on best-of-breed partners for every aspect of the project. No single developer or agency can deliver all outcomes. There have been enough project failures to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

When Muslims rule the world

Osama bin Laden is not dead. There is good reason why his body was cremated and tossed into the ocean. As we all know, or should know, this was not only to insult devotees of certain segments of the broader Islamic faith; it was to ensure there was no DNA trace. No proof. What was […]

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African solutions to African problems

By Jacqueline Muna Musiitwa When engaging in African development discourse, I have failed to understand the popular phrase “African solutions to African problems”. It forces me to question what and who is African? Is it all mankind by virtue of humans originating from Africa or someone who can generally be traced to the Negroid race? […]

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Five top contact centre trends

Multichannels The age of the one-way communication street — where brands controlled the manner in which their customers communicated with them — has passed. Today’s customers want to communicate using a channel that suits them and that could be Facebook, Twitter, Skype, video calls, SMS, email, fax or regular phone calls, depending on the demographic […]

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The fight against child trafficking

Communications technology, such as the internet and mobile phones, certainly make life easier: from online banking, to staying in touch, to news and weather on the go and all the other benefits that have become such an integral part of our daily lives. Unfortunately, the same technology has also made it easier for criminals to […]

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The abuse of political power

Power is abused, probably a million times a day, the world over. A man who abuses his bodily power to subjugate a woman for his (power) pleasure, or who abuses her economic dependence on him to get what he wants, are just some of these. Not that women cannot, or do not, abuse their (sexual) […]