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Tunnel vision

By Sandi Caganoff Last night my friend dragged me to a debate on the Palestine/Israel issue. She thinks I need exposure to such debates. I was promised it would be an extraordinary panel and the subject matter “will be riveting” she said, as I stifled a yawn. The subject of the debate was Israel and […]

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What are these surfers talking about?

With the Jeffreys Bay Billabong Pro struggling this year in near-perfect weather I think it’s a good idea to explore the bizarre way these people talk to each other. As a Jeffreys Bay inhabitant myself I’ve had many conversations with surfers over the years and often walked away confused as to what the hell just […]

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BlackBerry and the come-back

Blackberry, or officially RIM, has been on a rather downward spiral since the rapid growth of Android and the steady market share of iOS. You have to still consider that they are a good manufacturer and in many ways could actually leap back from the pits. What’s important to notice about RIM verses Nokia for […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No Mandela on the horizon

By pure coincidence, two apartheid-era South Africans, Mkhize and Van der Merwe — black and a white — find themselves as neighbours in a foreign a land. Back home they could never have been neighbours. But out there in foreign shores they “discover” that they actually have more in common than with anyone else around […]

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Blade Runner’s Olympic dream one step closer

The Olympic Games is the most prestigious multi-sport event on earth, with only the Soccer World Cup comparable in size and magnitude. It is the ultimate dream for many a competitor to win an Olympic gold medal in their chosen field, since it is recognition of being one of if not the world’s best competitor […]

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Tri-Nations should be scrapped in a World Cup year

As we approach the first Tri-Nations Test of 2011, there is a nagging feeling moving beneath the media hype surrounding Saturday’s clash between South Africa and Australia in Sydney. While any match-up between the Wallabies and the Springboks is always worth a gander, it is almost as if this is merely the first step to […]

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Activity-based costing — beware the pitfalls

Judging by the number of customer enquiries about it, we appear to be in the middle of another wave of enthusiasm for activity-based costing (ABC). In theory, ABC is a powerful analytical tool for helping businesses understand exactly what makes them tick. But is the insight delivered worth the extra cost of implementation? Although our […]

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Niqab — a close encounter

By Sara Gon France has banned the wearing of the niqab and other European countries are considering doing the same. It is a strange response to the failure of European multiculturalism. A truly democratic, confident society should reinforce the principles and culture that characterise that society without removing rights to follow religion or culture. Banning […]