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Cloud PBX changes face of telecoms market

Things change, sometimes very quickly and not always out in the open. So it is with hosted or cloud PBX solutions. Since BMI-TechKnowledge published the latest South African PBX market report (April 2011), there has been a marked growth of cloud solution models and vendors in this space, pointing to an increasing need to accommodate […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Linden execution: High horses and hometown tangos

This week a 35-year-old South African drug trafficker, Janice Linden, was executed in China by lethal injection. That China should dare apply its own laws on its own territory has unleashed in South Africa a whirlwind of misplaced outrage and platitudinous sanctimony. The Inkatha Freedom Party termed the execution ‘unfortunate’ — which it undoubtedly was […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

How to occupy the world

The leading tagline of the Occupy Wall Street movement reads: “Protest for world revolution.” This is an ambitious claim. In most respects it seems to ring quite true: the movement has successfully taken root not only in cities and towns throughout the United States but also in major urban centres around the world. On October […]

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‘Racism without races’

In the late eighties French thinker Etienne Balibar wrote an essay in which he considered the question of “neo-racism”, that is, a form of racism that is distinct from earlier models. Balibar’s point of departure is a description of racism as inscribing itself in “practices (forms of violence, contempt, intolerance, humiliation and exploitation), in discourses […]

Posted inLifestyle

What does security mean to you?

By Everjoice Win That was the question surrounding this year’s 16 Days of Activism. Militarism, conflict, state-sponsored violence, political violence, were some of the sub-themes we campaigned on. We talked about the big stuff, the big news tickets of the moment. The news coming out of Syria continues to be unbearable. Libya is still on […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Mangaung and the man from Nkandla

If the gaffes coming from the highest office in the land are anything to go by, there are forces right in the Union Buildings, Luthuli House and even in Cabinet working against and embarrassing the man from Nkandla. It seems the “Alliance of the Walking Wounded”, which rallied around President Jacob Zuma in the run-up […]

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Zambia, it’s time for change

By Jacqueline Muna Musiitwa As a child growing up, I recall the fervour and momentum around Zambia’s first democratic multiparty election which took place in 1991. I remember running in the streets chanting “the time is now … it’s time for change” and other chants focused on the people’s hope for a better future. Little […]

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The Mi-Fone A300 (and what it means for Africa)

The greatest trick Steve Jobs ever pulled was getting us to use his phone as the benchmark for all phones. They make a good benchmark of course: best experience, best industrial design and best ecosystem. Best for developed nations (and the developed nation pockets that exist in the developing world) perhaps? But best for Africa? […]