Posted inNews/Politics

Gaddafi: Rough justice

On July 13 1793 the assassin Marie-Anne Charlotte De Corday d’Armont entered the private rooms of Paris-dwelling Jean-Paul Marat, “L’Ami du peuple[1]“, revolutionary, Jacobin and soon: dead. The much-feared one greeted her from his reclining position in the bath, the treated water soothing his blistered, itchy skin no other place offering suitable respite from the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zuma eyeing Manguang?

In the last few days and weeks President Jacob Zuma has released advocate Michael Donen’s report on the Oilgate inquiry, sacked Public Works Minister Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde and Cooperative Governance Minister Sicelo Shiceka, suspended National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele, pending the outcome of a Section 9 Inquiry, and appointed a commission of inquiry in terms of […]

Posted inGeneral

Balotelli fireworks set Old Trafford on fire

Sir Alex Ferguson called it his worst result ever and, considering the fact that two more Manchester City goals would have been enough to win the 2011 Rugby World Cup, it’s not hard to understand where he is coming from. On Sunday, City laid siege to Old Trafford like men possessed while United were given […]

Posted inGeneral

Rugby World Cup obsession needs to end

The Rugby World Cup has finally come to an end, with New Zealand emerging as winners after a tight and enthralling final. France won’t care that their performance has been praised — as American comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said, second is the number one loser. While the French were the better team on the night […]

Posted inGeneral

The sad state of SA sport

I have been watching very closely the ability of sports “managers” getting worse and worse. To my mind pops Boxing SA, Athletics SA, rugby at most times has had some question hanging over it although not in the last eight or so years, SA football and now we have what I believe to be the […]