So, a businessman Aussies love to hate says Australia is backward and racist. “I would say that Australia definitely is different [from] the US,” he told the BBC. “In many ways it was like stepping back in time.” Australian political and business leaders are flabbergasted. Sol Trujillo — not the Sol you might have been […]
Was the M&G right to post the Special Assignment documentary on political satire after the SABC twice declined to screen it?
This week’s Talkback question on the Mail & Guardian Online: Was the M&G right to post the Special Assignment documentary on political satire after the SABC twice declined to screen it?
Discrimination and intimidation
Early summer is starting to brew up a green foliage broth in Shanghai. I often stop and gape at the sea-storm green hues in the plane and bamboo trees now soaring up like Moses’ parted sea on the street-sides. Soon, many streets in Shanghai will be luminous, green tunnels. In a wet wind licking at […]
Companies go gaming
Gaming has a reputation as an activity confined to lazy teenagers and students who are not too fond of studying. This image is, however, changing with the average age of gamers being far closer to 30 than 13. A recent report by the US trade organisation in conjunction with the Entertainment Software Association suggests that […]
First impressions: British & Irish Lions tour
The British & Irish Lions landed in Johannesburg a few days ago and have been the most gracious, complimentary visitors. They have visited under-privileged schools, some by helicopter, to which they will donate funds and resources, hold press conferences and laud the South African players and coaches, like they were a travelling social side. Their […]
Nothing philosophical about council paying Plato’s legal fees
Cape Town mayor Dan Plato has been given the go-ahead to use council funds in order to bring an action for defamation against a local tabloid who claimed that he was having an extra-marital affair. “A late report to the council on Wednesday said it was in the public interest that those responsible were held […]
Taking back our streets for 2010
In the dead of night, the centre of Durban is not for the faint-hearted. Like many CBDs around the globe, criminals use the cover of darkness to operate. And yet, on the night of November 25 2007, Durban was one the safest cities on the plant. The occasion was the 2010 preliminary draw — Fifa’s […]
When did the African renaissance die?
Whatever happened to the African renaissance? I thought that shifting priorities, not to mention last year’s xenophobic violence, had long since consigned it to the dustbin of history, as a catchphrase anyhow. Just when it seemed that we were to hear of it no more, here’s the man, who started it all, going on about […]
‘Zille’s boyfriend’ is very funny, criminality is not
With labour and ANC organisations flexing their muscles post-elections it is time for the relevant ministers, leaders and organisers of protests and strikes to start drawing to the attention of the participants therein that they are always subject to the laws of our country. While striking and protesting are two democratic methods of expressing people’s […]
Child psychology says North Korea will attack South Korea
On June 25 1950 the North Korean Army under cover of an enormous artillery barrage crossed the 38th parallel into the Republic of Korea (South) initiating what is generally known as the Korean War. It was to be a conflict which created enormous global pressure at the time with a United Nation’s force comprising a […]
Pulling Zapiro doccie symptomatic of what is wrong with the SABC
Mismanagement aside the SABC has to understand that its primary function as the national broadcaster is to air the views of all the people of this country as well as keep them informed of all ongoing news regardless of whom this may favour or prejudice. Accordingly the decision to sit on the Zapiro episode of […]
The energy around you
By Roger Diamond I woke up this morning and quietly got dressed in the darkness of the bedroom, with the still, cool, winter pre-dawn lurking outside. I walked through to the kitchen and effortlessly flicked on the light switch. Then, in the bathroom, with another easy twist, pressurised and purified water came flowing out of […]