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Geek respect

I’ve often heard it said by those who’ve had to manage geeks (or want to have positive interactions with them) that they find that geeks have little respect for those outside their field — in particular for management and for those that perform non-technical work like administration (e.g. accountants and office managers) and user support. […]

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Mark Forrester gets talking

This week I managed to get Mark Forrester on to Let’s Talk. I am chuffed that I was able to talk to Mark about his design work, company and what it is that he really does. What exactly do you do Mark? Good question, I was trying to work that out the other day when […]

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Freedom Toasters on the rise in South Africa

I have had the pleasure of spending some time on the VeloCITI business incubation programme with Brett Simpson of Breadbin Interactive, one of the entrepreneurs going through the paces of taking a technology-focused business to the greater South African market. The product of interest is called the Freedom Toaster, first conceived by the Shuttleworth Foundation’s […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

SA’s first online reality show!

“Can You Twist is South Africa’s first online reality show featuring six of the country’s hottest young female storytellers … and your votes. Six weeks, six women, six twists and one ultimate winner!” How could I resist? How could anyone? To be honest, though, it wasn’t the online reality-show line that got me. Nor being […]

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The pitter-patter of the ex-pats

Somebody told me a while ago that there are now a million South Africans living in Australia, and a similar number in the UK. I guess between Canada, the US and elsewhere, there must be at least half that same number again out there looking for a better life. Or having found it already. I […]

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Blood, iron, sex and time

Leonard Shlain has done it again: in a probing and wide-ranging study, Sex, Time and Power (2003) — which probes even deeper into the origins of patriarchy than his earlier The Alphabet Versus the Goddess (1998) — he sets out to answer the question he had posed to a medical doctor (instructor) during his medical […]

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Will someone finally tame the Tiger?

After watching Padraig Harrington win his second consecutive Open Championship this past weekend, it prompted me to question why none of the younger golfers are coming through to step up and fight in the major championships. At 32 years old, Tiger Woods has been holding a monopoly on the game for the past 11 years […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Institutions shoring up Eurocentrism and ‘Western civilisation’ are not ‘non-partisan’

A contribution to Thought Leader by David Saks reminded me of an intellectual movement with which I associate myself, and which questions the continued application of Western thought/Eurocentrism as the dominant paradigm for social organisation — especially governance, policy-making, development and so forth. Out of this movement emerges a body of thought that questions the […]

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South Africa: Progress and challenges

As suggested in Elhanan Helpman’s Mystery of Economic Growth, there are many tasks that rest on the shoulders of a (developmental) state. The same line of thinking can be discerned also in Jeffery Sach’s End of Poverty. In our context, for example, it is incontrovertible that the state, or its main agent (that is, the […]

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The rebirth of Africa means discarding foreign religions

The traditional religions of most Africans altered significantly as a result of colonial rule. Colonial rulers interfered with the African way of worship. Where the modes of worship conflicted with those of the colonialists, restrictions were placed on religious practice. African cultures were seen as primitive and were gradually impoverished through neglect and suppression by […]

Posted inLifestyle

To therapy or not to therapy …

Lately I feel as though I am going through life angrily. I have no idea what the problem is, but I seem to snap and explode at the simplest of provocations. For the first time in my life I have even considered therapy. Thing is, I don’t believe in sitting in front of someone I […]