Posted inGeneral

It’s not Oliver OR Madiba

Let me say upfront that I know that I am treading on dangerous ground. But by leaving things unsaid, we are saying something about those things. How many of you reading this know Oliver Tambo’s birthday? My guess is that not many. My anecdotal research has shown me that many of us know the birthday […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Blaspheming against liberals

On July 8, Britain finally abolished its archaic blasphemy laws. It is no longer a criminal offence for we Brits to speak or publish any contemptuous, reviling, scurrilous or ludicrous words relating to God, Jesus Christ or the Bible. Yet already a new system of blasphemy is filling the gap. Now, anybody who blasphemes against […]

Posted inGeneral

This piece of text is on an alternative medium

Although difficult to define accurately, alternative media can be seen as the use of tactile and non-mainstream media options in an effort to reach the increasingly elusive and all-important consumer. On hearing the word “alternative”, the first question that springs to mind — and rightfully so — is alternative to what? The answer to this […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

A scenario for the SABC

The SABC’s board of directors is on its way out, but later rather than sooner. And what happens then? Those wanting them out don’t seem to have given enough thought to this. This conclusion emerges from current discussions in Parliament about a legal amendment that would force President Thabo Mbeki to fire the board. To […]

Posted inGeneral

Kevin Pietersen: To love or hate him?

Kevin Pietersen, the South African-born cricketer who will convince you that he is more English than South African, has ascended to the highest throne in English cricket. How ironic that this happens few weeks after I had bought a copy of his uninspiring book, Crossing the Boundary. Kevin takes the England captaincy at a time […]

Posted inSport

China looks forward to making its mark

As the date of the Beijing Olympics draws nearer, the buzz around the Games is increasing. Events of such magnitude will have some problems. As is the custom nowadays the media seems to be focusing predominantly on the controversial bits during the lead up to the sports festival. The IOC is meeting trying to address […]

Posted inLifestyle

Living like a tortoise

I’ve been living like a tortoise for the last week, carrying everything I need on my back. No, I haven’t suddenly been evicted. I’ve been going through the agony of moving house (if you can call it that, when the moving is from a cottage to a flat). And although I absolutely love my new […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Death of newspapers nigh?

Quality newspapers are in trouble. The local daily printed newspapers are in even bigger trouble. I know this because I am a news junkie, and I haven’t bough a daily paper in ages. I even cancelled my subscription, and I am sucker for convenience. My interaction with newspapers goes something like this: on the morning […]