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The revolution must come full circle

Submitted by Garikai Nyaruwata revolution noun [C] a deep-seated change in method of thinking often designed to effect fundamental changes in the political and socioeconomic situation. Earlier this year the University of Cape Town ANC Youth League distributed a number of posters on campus containing a treatise in commemoration of Chris Hani. A substantive portion […]

Posted inGeneral

Community commerce

Don’t you love a creative business idea whose time has come? One that rewards local ingenuity, funky design and distributes wealth to smart people who are innovative and contribute to a community business model? Springleap is an idea whose time has come and it’s great to see that this is being recognized by The Industry […]

Posted inBusiness

Arts can help business training get a standing ovation

The creative arts and power of today’s multimedia technology are emerging as new tools for achieving business success, particularly in the realm of skills development where it is being applied in inventive and fresh ways to help enhance teamwork, improve decision-making and boost productivity. Using the input of artists, graphic designers, movie makers, cartoonists, theatre […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Zuma conundrum

The Mail & Guardian, in its fabulous article “Scramble to secure a Zuma presidency”, sets out the challenges facing those who would convert the ANC president’s party leadership into a national presidency. In doing so, they capture not only why the “Zuma faction” are taking the measures they are, but also the impact this is […]

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Proteas: Is this our golden generation?

What a great time to be a Protea fan. No, I’m not referring to the flower, although I suppose this would also be a good time as spring is almost upon us. I am, of course, referring to the Proteas, our national cricketers. The last time I was this excited about South African cricket, Hansie […]

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A dialogue of chameleons?

My view is that politicians are like chameleons: they change their skin colour depending on the environment that they want to adapt to. This is the case today as it was yesterday, with Zimbabwean politicians from all political formations. Suddenly Zanu-PF and the MDC are bed-fellows; they can together mislead the media, agree to media […]