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How bad, bad, bad the SA web can be

This past weekend I decided to buy a new couch for my home. Wearied of endless trips to Fourways, battling through the traffic, wasting petrol, dodging Metro Police roadblocks, I decided to check out online catalogues for the stores before traipsing off there. Genius. First port of call: Google. Search “couches johannesburg”, “furniture johannesburg”, “couches”, […]

Posted inGeneral

Welcome to the Benni McCarthy circus

THE love-hate relationship between perennial country snob Benni McCarthy and Bafana Bafana continued unabated at Nasrec this week. Benni, the lad many folks would love to loathe, is back in the Bafana Bafana squad. And already the bets are going around on whether or not the ‘Prodigal One’ will check-in at the London hotel on […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

The African Global Village

Marshall McLuhan predicted a Global Village of interdependence based on new communication technology in the 1960s. Since then the concept has taken on new connotations with the advent of the internet and its assumed ubiquitous. However, the negative connotations of McLuhan’s Global Village have largely been forgotten. Moreover, from an African geographic perspective the Village […]

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In perfect harmony?

In 2000 when everybody started taking South Africa’s World Cup bidding process seriously, a high-level delegation of FIFA officials toured the country on a fact-finding mission. They left with images of thousands of wide-eyed children calling in unison for the right to host the showpiece of the beautiful game and Vicky Sampson’s My African Dream […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The greatest con

“We can copy everything except your mother.” So goes a saying in Shanghai — but soon they will not only copy your mother, but your mother-in-law too. With cloning, such a possibility may not be far-fetched. From top designer brands to car parts and even motorbikes, if there is demand, China can be relied on […]