Posted inGeneral

How to talk to girls

At the tender age of nine, Alec Greven has figured out what most men will spend the rest of their lives puzzled and perplexed by … namely, how to talk to girls. This is the title of his first book that has reached the top thirty on the Amazon best seller list and is set […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Julius Malema is a raw and intuitive talker while Cope’s guru is … er, too polished and a self-made thinker

I want to make a crude and slightly unfair comparison to contrast the caliber of youth leadership in the ANC Youth League and Cope’s youth wing. Political bodies are, largely, the lengthened shadow of their leading personalities and thus Julius Malema and JJ Tabane, for instance, represent and reflect the faces of their organisations. You […]

Posted inGeneral

Have a nice day!

WE FLING these four words about like they were just so much confetti at someone else’s wedding. Yet they are four words that can cut deeper than a Samurai blade and be as deadly as a 9mm right between the eyes. Everyone sips a little from the cup of melancholy around this time of year. […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

How our cultural industry killed a piano maestro Bheki Mseleku and legendary actor John Matshikiza

The last few months has seen tragic passing on of a number of great African artists. Frankly, these great artists died because, as creative African intellectuals, they could not find jobs and thus had no money to lead respectable and dignified lives. In fact, they were almost like paupers. It is a serious indictment on […]