Posted inGeneral

Free speech and African homophobia

Submitted by Troy Thiel The recent homophobic writings of Jon Qwelane and the subsequent LGBT community reaction have highlighted many questions about where the borders of free speech lie and journalists’ responsibility regarding the effect of their words. With visible examples of hate crimes, this is an emotionally charged subject. Respectfully, I would, however, like […]

Posted inMedia

Will Mondli fire Zapiro?

Zapiro’s cartoon in the Sunday Times, depicting a woman symbolising the justice system being held down by the ANC, SACP, ANCYL and Cosatu, with Julius Malema telling Jacob Zuma, who is unbuttoning his pants, to “go for it”, may well have crossed the line of what constitutes fair comment. The cartoon seems to suggest that […]

Posted inGeneral

Final chapter under way for Jews of Zimbabwe

Hylton Solomon remains a patriotic Zimbabwean, despite his experience of being jailed for “over-pricing” spaghetti in his Bulawayo grocery store. He also remains committed to helping keep Bulawayo’s 114-year-old Jewish community going, although today it is less than one-20th the size it was at its height. Solomon is an exception. Most Zimbabwean Jews have left […]

Posted inLifestyle

A seriously beautiful country

That’s South Africa, our country. Seriously beautiful. I had the strange pleasure of driving through it pretty much nonstop this weekend, and I was floored by how much natural beauty there is, in abundance, almost at every turn. We drove from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth and back in three days — including visits to […]