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Google SA — nothing to blog about

After seeing the decidedly deluxe and off-beat design of the Google Zurich office that has made the rounds of the internet, it is vaguely disappointing to see this blog post about Google South Africa’s sales office. Google Zurich reeks of money and Euro-hip design which seems entirely appropriate for Google in Switzerland. Schedule a meeting […]

Posted inGeneral

Why pussyfoot with health?

Until a year ago, social scientists, analysts, historians and the local peanut gallery had been formulating complete genealogies to understand HIV/Aids denialism in the highest office. Sociologists and anthropologists had fallen over one another in weaving theory between meta-theory, digging up Foucault, Spivak and Said in attempting to construct an Africanist approach to understanding vitamins, […]

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iPhone social networks

With the launch of the iPhone 3G in South Africa and witnessing the hype first hand, I was thinking iPhone-only social networks have a serious chance at generating traction internationally and even in our local market. iPhone owners, like most users of Apple products, are a fairly obsessed, elitist group of people. An iPhone-only social […]