Posted inBusiness

On absurd predictions of a recession of the SA economy

The ailing US economy and collapse of leading financial institutions have driven global markets into a collective panic. The ills of globalisation are manifesting themselves in a most spectacular fashion. The interconnectedness of world economies is delivering not the promises of sustainable prosperity, but rather reversing the gains of protracted periods of imprudence. The price […]

Posted inGeneral

What if?

What if there had never been apartheid and colonialism in South Africa? Who and what would we have blamed for many of our problems today? What if Nelson Mandela had not spent 27 years in prison? Would he still have been as revered by the international community? Would he still have become our president? What […]

Posted inLifestyle

ANC Lite

With the resignation of president Thabo Mbeki, following intense pressure from elements within the ANC, ANCYL, Cosatu and the SACP, speculation has grown about the possibility of a party split. Ministers and others loyal to the former president are believed to be weighing up their options pursuant to their misgivings about the current direction of […]