Posted inNews/Politics

McCain’s half-baked Alaskan

Sarah Palin’s family feud with her former brother-in-law, which formed the subject matter of an investigation dubbed “Troopergate” by the media, finally came home to roost yesterday and the result was not a Norwegian omelette but rather a half-baked Alaskan. The inquiry into the conduct of the governor of Alaska found that she had abused […]

Posted inGeneral

What is creativity?

With the whole country agog in the face of the rumblings within (and without) the ruling party, I thought I should write on something else, lest the party in question come to the erroneous conclusion that it is the only thing worth writing about, which it certainly is not. In fact, every time, lately, that […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Is the end of the equity cult nigh?

A deep and cold current of fear running through the markets right now is something market commentators will avoid speaking about openly. I’m not referring to the credit crisis and widespread recession. That is worrying enough. I’m talking about the meltdown of stock markets themselves. Markets rise and markets fall, and then rise again. The […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Thinking the unthinkable: Beyond the ANC

Submitted by Marius Redelinghuys For many, including myself, it is very difficult to imagine any other political home outside or beyond the African National Congress. This is particularly difficult to imagine as the ruling party has often been seen as the “natural party” of the people as it fought against the oppressive and exclusive apartheid […]