Posted inGeneral

FIFA hedges its bets

There was an interesting development at FIFA headquarters in Zurich over the weekend, which went largely unnoticed by the local media. Perhaps it’s not altogether surprising given the current political climate which is dominating the headlines, but we should all take heed of this development. At its third executive committee meeting of the year, global […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The November national convention

Submitted by MF Cassim The November national convention will be taking place against a backdrop of slowing world economic growth and terrible financial turmoil. The consequences for the country are many and serious. The emergence of a new political party will therefore be very timely because pressing issues need a dynamic response. The new party […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Touching the untouchables: Beyond the ANC

Submitted by Marius Redelinghuys Not only has thinking the unthinkable become more apparent, but touching those formerly considered untouchable seems ever more likely, as an examination of the virtues, vices and future of the “Shikota” movement illustrates. Shikota appears to pose a significant challenge to the electoral dominance of the ANC, especially as support for […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The ANC political mansion has many ideological rooms. If it were not so, Shikota would win

People who complain about the suppression of individual freedom in the ANC often fail to notice that dissenters who want to do as they please are, equally, a threat to the organisation’s unity and African people’s political self-determination and power. You can see this clearly with the resentment, anger and threat of violence aroused by […]

Posted inGeneral

SA Rugby needs ‘a mind like a fox’

This last Monday afternoon I had the absolute and distinct pleasure of being invited by BDO to listen to an hour and a half of Clem Sunter, going on about scenario planning, terrorist attacks, the collapse of the economy, the rise of the economy and the future prospects of South Africa. If you haven’t attended […]

Posted inBusiness

How much do you hate your bank?

How do I hate my bank? Let me count the ways. I hate Standard Bank because they charge R12 a page to send me electronic statements. That’s right: electronic statements, not paper ones. Not even lawyers have the cheek to do that. I hate Standard Bank because they charge service fees for not delivering service […]

Posted inBusinessMediaTech

Kill the home computer! Viva!

A reasonable, basic, start-up desktop PC with all the necessary accessories and running Microsoft Windows’ notoriously atrocious Vista will set you back at least R8 000. Add in broadband connectivity and the mandatory ball-and-chain contracts, and the whole rigmarole will put a ten-to-twelve-grand hole in your family savings. That’s right now. Tomorrow it will be […]