Posted inNews/Politics

The heights we must climb

Change we can believe in! It is the most compelling election theme to have captured the imagination of the entire world. As encapsulated by Barack Obama in his victory speech, “change has come to America”. Whilst we celebrate America’s and indeed the world’s most momentous occasion, we also mourn the floundering attempts to overcome the […]

Posted inGeneral

2010 offers signs of hope on the crime front

In the dead of night, the Durban city centre is not for the faint-hearted. Like many CBDs around the world, criminals use the cover of darkness to operate and soft-targets – like tourists – are particularly vulnerable. But for one wonderful weekend a few months ago, the port city was one of the safest on […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Barack Obama puts the spotlight on the role of the so-called coloured in the black struggle

Barack Obama’s predictable triumph in the American presidential race, interestingly, sets up the role of the so-called coloured in the black struggle for critical examination. Of course, most blacks deny that there is intra-racism determined, largely, by complexion and class in black American society. Thus the political euphoria has misled the world to believing that […]

Posted inGeneral

Northern exposure

So after a great Currie Cup (always amazing to witness the transformation in the great cup when the Bokkies return) spirits are high in Bokland. And so too as — you’d expect — are expectations. After all, when it finally came together at the Fizzy Pop Dome, the Wallabies had no clue what hit them […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Kleurling takes it!

Call me NastroSumo, but didn’t I mention in my piece called Making beautiful Coloureds Together that the future of the world lies, with the Tik somewhere in Mitchell’s Plain, in the Kleurlinge? Yes, yours truly, The Sumo, has predicted this current state of affairs being of mixed race is the very way to go, […]

Posted inLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Televising the revolution: how ‘illiterate’ Jacob Zuma outshone educated Professor Barney Pityana

The live coverage of some of the great political events happening in the country will, inevitably, shape the future and influence choices people make. After all, television is a powerful medium that has the potential to influence people’s behaviour and attitude. Thus it was fascinating to watch the revolution being televised and observe the behaviour […]

Posted inNews/Politics

If only Barack Obama was a Republican

In 1964, three young civil rights workers were abducted by die-hard white supremacist rednecks in Mississippi and cold-bloodedly murdered. Their crime? Assisting blacks to register as voters. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner – one a black Mississippian and the other two Jewish human rights activists from New York – paid the ultimate price […]