Posted inGeneral

Another step into the 21st century

Towards the end of 1999, Time magazine published a special edition that looked ahead to the new millennium. Among others, it contained an article that summarised the projections of a variety of thinkers, writers and scientists approached by Time for their considered prognoses and expectations concerning the new millennium.

Posted inGeneralMediaNews/Politics

Bring on the building blogs

If taken in earnest, blogging provides a generous platform for research. Generous because responses are free, and, while the “research” can hardly be called scientific, it is a toe-tip test of the pool’s swimmability. In my relatively short (though, may I say, rather spectacular) adventure in the blogosphere, I have gained insights I would have […]

Posted inNews/PoliticsTech

Web 2.008

Here’s what I think 2008 holds. Because I’m an ignorant bastard who avoids newspapers and television and gets all my news from opinionated friends, my list can hardly be called well researched. Still, here it is. 1. Hillary Listen, whatever you may think of Hillary Clinton (South Africans, by and large, don’t seem to care […]

Posted inNews/Politics

South Africa — a worst-case scenario

Professor Steven Friedman, in his article on the potential direction of South African politics during 2008, looked at four possible scenarios pursuant to the charging of ANC president Jacob Zuma. Like his astute assessments at Polokwane, where his analysis alongside Justice Malala was most welcome, his knowledge on the mechanics of democracy and the South […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyle

Milking it

Have you ever tasted real milk? I’m not talking about the insipid, 0% fat, homogenised milk you buy from your local supermarket. I’m as city slicker as they come, but after a trip to the local petting farm (Sleepy Hollow, are you still there?) in primary school, I drank milk straight from the cow.

Posted inTech

2008 the same as usual, I should think

Predictions for 2008? Highlights of 2007? I’m sitting in Brighton, speculating about this. Candles are lit, the Christmas tree is still OK, although the needles are starting to moult quite rapidly. And it has roots, so we hope to plant it out in a forest somewhere. That is if we can find a forest where […]