Posted inLifestyle

Cry, the beloved spanker!

I had a rather unsavoury encounter hanging on to a pole (the steel kind as opposed to the Eastern European kind) on the London underground train system this December. As the train pulled off, I became aware of a commotion moving towards me, hidden in a sea of people. The commotion swore a lot and […]

Posted inLifestyle

Viva, Darwin Awards, viva!

Aside from the internet’s usefulness in being able to complete every quiz crossword ever, being home to the blogosphere and providing P2P connectivity and downloadable music and movies, the Darwin Awards are the greatest social contribution it has made. Without the Darwin Awards, which far outshine trinkets such as the Oscars, Olympics and Nobels, how […]

Posted inTech

Apple has something in the air

The suffix “-ology denotes a field of study or academic discipline. Appleologists, as mentioned in Ars Technica, would therefore be people studying the field of Apple. Contrary to logic and belief, there are many who could fit this description. As the buzz about Macworld 2008, Apple’s annual shindig, is building to a crescendo, the air […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Round one to the Sowetan

The axe finally fell at 12:15pm yesterday (Friday) when the publisher and CEO of the Sowetan, Bongani Keswa upheld my dismissal as ruled by the earlier internal disciplinary hearing. To recap: I had been working as senior revise sub-editor (a kind of final quality checkpoint) for 18 months on the Sowetan. During that time I […]

Posted inLifestyle

Lucifer’s horror story

I love my dog. Her name is Lucifer; I call her Loolies for short. Every morning I get up naked and shout out the window: “Lucifer! Stop crapping on the grass!” It’s guaranteed to freak the Catholic neighbours out. Loolies and I are a lucky couple to be living in this, one of the older […]

Posted inGeneral

Survival 2008

The Thought Leader editorial team invited me (all the contributors, but I like to say “me” because it makes me feel all commissioned and all that) to write on the year ahead’s predictions or to review the past year, all related to my area of expertise. I think we can all agree that The Sumo’s […]

Posted inLifestyle

Egte Suid-Afrikaanses

I love it when I hear people saying things like this, totally unselfconsciously: “Ja, well, no man …” “I’ll be there now-now. I spoke to him just now and he said they haven’t been ready until now.” “Ma bru, it was so kiff, you wouldn’t frieking believe it.” “No man, he’s talking kak.” “I’ll check […]

Posted inNews/Politics


Another long delay before writing this piece … There have been various things happening over the past two months. We had Polokwane, Eid-ul-Adha, Xmas and New Year’s. I had my holidays in between, and, boy, was life eventful. The usual mad rush at the end of the year is expected, but throw in the curve […]