Posted inLifestyleMediaTech

SA leads in gaming industry

In South Africa, you can get Springbok colours for PC, console and mobile gaming. Furthermore, the gaming industry surpassed the movie industry worldwide in terms of revenue a year ahead of analysts’ expectation. In the United States, the average age of gaming is 45. These statements are all placed right at the top of this […]

Posted inTech

In Steve we trust — maybe

During my search through cyberspace to find the best live reports on Steve Jobs’s keynote speech at Macworld yesterday, I came across an ad that had the caption “In Steve we trust”. Very funny. See it on the Popular Mechanics website. It’s entertaining writing about Apple and possibly even — dare one? — mentioning something […]

Posted inGeneral

In Steve we trust — maybe

During my search through cyberspace to find the best live reports on Steve Jobs’s keynote speech at Macworld yesterday, I came across an ad that had the caption “In Steve we trust”. Very funny. See it on the Popular Mechanics website. It’s entertaining writing about Apple and possibly even — dare one? — mentioning something […]

Posted inLifestyle

Redefining the new South Africa

Every day we encounter words or phrases that take on a whole new meaning when placed in a South African context. Knowing what they mean, where, when and how to use them may well enhance your enjoyment of our beautiful country and perhaps even save your life. Accordingly, herewith more definitions for everyday South African […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleTech

Am I irrelevant?

Have I allowed myself to become outdated, irrelevant, inconsequential and stuck in a dark corner of the early 2000s? Has technology passed me by and been handed on to a younger generation of smart, happening geeks? My friend Vincent called me up some months back and told me, in effect, that I have. “You’re wasting […]

Posted inGeneral

Dear Bob … about my farm

My relationship with Bob Mugabe has been trundling along for quite a while now — I send him emails, and he never replies. I even invited him to go on holiday with me, and he ignored me. But it all started much earlier, with a couple of brandies one night, when I stumbled across the […]