Posted inGeneral

Pushing the satanist agenda just coz I can

Thought Leader is a Mail & Guardian-hosted blogging forum. Because of the content of the newspaper, an unsuspecting reader should be forgiven for going into Thought Leader expecting to read mostly political content. It therefore seems reasonable that if our hypothetical reader came upon a blog entitled The Silwane Files, Ndumiso Ngcobo with a picture […]

Posted inSport

A night with the African stars

Tuesday January 22 — Lawson Naidoo Arriving in Sekondi after a fascinating yet arduous road trip from the capital, Accra, I am bewildered by the sight of the brand-spanking-new Sekondi Sports Stadium. It is an oasis in the desert that is Sekondi. The stadium resembles a space ship dropped in the middle of nowhere. Built […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Has Oprah chosen race over gender or are Hillary’s supporters being sexist?

The Times of London headlines with “Women turn on ‘traitor’ Oprah Winfrey for backing Barack Obama“. retorts with “Calling Oprah racist = SEXIST“. Whatever your read on this, America’s biggest talk-show host is paying a huge price to support Obama’s campaign. Her website has been flooded with personal attacks that may have led to […]

Posted inLifestyle

On polygamy

It has only been two generations of Zulu men that have toiled with the idea of monogamy as the only marital-institution option. Before that, Zulu men were quite openly polygamous. This was the norm rather than the shunned upon exception that is the case in our anglicised society today. If you had not noticed, ladies […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

The Budget Game

Trevor Manuel once remarked that “to budget is to choose”. The Budget Game puts participants in the position of being a decision maker, and making choices with a defined set of possible programmes and a defined budget. The intention of the game is for participants to make choices and then motivate them. In addition, it […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Planet Huckabee

It’s a slippery slope. First, you change the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. Then, before you know it, you’re seeing marriages between “a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal”. Welcome to Planet Huckabee, the perfect antidote to Eskom-induced depression, where one does not even need to […]