Posted inNews/Politics

ANC collective may make it more difficult for Zuma to retain economic policies

It comes as no surprise to me that JZ is charming the pants off the media down in Davos — he is, after all, the most charismatic leader this country has ever produced (and that includes Madiba): =6&art_id=vn20080125025211403C858475 BusinessTimes/Article.aspx?id=692199 At Polokwane, we watched him strutting his stuff and it really was exciting fare […]

Posted inSport

From Angola to Tunisia

Bafana Bafana take on Tunisia on Sunday with some confidence after their 1-1 draw with Angola in the opening game of their Group D contest against Angola. While the team will be glad to get away from Southern African opposition and even if it is to take on one of the giants of North African […]

Posted inBusiness

Shut down the aluminium smelters

Friday’s news that South Africa’s gold and platinum mines had been forced to suspend operations because Eskom could no longer guarantee the power supply has emphasised just how bad our electricity crisis has become. We can switch off lights, swimming pool pumps and geysers to our heart’s content but the reality is that we need […]

Posted inGeneral

Memories of a moving church

As the son of an Anglican preacher man in the Northern Cape (when it was still only a part of the Cape province — not that that makes any difference), I used to travel vast empty dusty grinding distances with my dad from one remote congregation to another. In some places church was somebody’s house. […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Sweetch orf de geezas!

Can you believe the asinine, parochial, juvenile response of the government to one of the worst crises this country has ever faced? Sweetch orf yo lights en de geezas. That’s the official spokestwit’s response on Talk Radio 702! Mines are stopping operations — stopping, not reducing, not downscaling, but stopping — just as the prices […]

Posted inLifestyle

Feel-good songs for Friday

These are a few of my favourite, can’t-resist-dancing songs. (It’s Friday! Lighten up!) I Feel it All by Leslie Feist. A new acquisition (just got it this week), but totally irresistible. Great beat, fantastic lyrics, and it’ll get stuck in your head and never, ever, ever leave. Best line? “I know more than I’m known […]