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A life worth living

There were two stories during the past week that made me ponder human nature. The first one was the story about seven young people living in a small Welsh community who took their own lives over a period of about a year. These young people, aged in their teens and 20s, committed suicide and it […]

Posted inNews/Politics

History will not absolve us

Post-Polokwane, our country has lost its standing. I realised this as ANC president Jacob Zuma fell backwards on his arse during his fourth wedding celebrations. He laughed good-naturedly, as he does, as his loincloth rose to reveal a set of legs toned by his dance routines. This view is reinforced by the corruption charges against […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Bahama, Bahama mama

While Charles Taylor was pondering his future in court in The Hague, I was sitting in the back seat of a 4×4, speeding along one of Monrovia’s main boulevards while dodging the Liberian capital’s potholes, squashed between three of my gracious hosts from the National Drug Enforcement Authority, with Boney M booming. As we passed […]

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The great white hope

This poem is based on a true-life experience I had while visiting Mombasa, Kenya. It will always stand out for me as an exceptionally powerful lesson in how to view myself and my efforts in the world, and to realise that the only way I can ever help anyone else is if I understand what […]

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People are taking back their power

This is the world we live in. Personal freedoms are squashed whether by governments or religious fervour. Remember those ubiquitous CCTV cameras in the UK. The work place is structured and controlled to ensure that individual creative thinking is reduced to a minimum. Education produces drones and is focused on ensuring that the drones find […]