Posted inBusinessLifestyle

Car whores

When in comes to selling cars, the badge obviously means a lot, but for buyers the nameplate often doesn’t tell the whole story. Take that good old South African favourite, the Toyota Hilux. How many of you lot know that in the 1980s Volkswagen assembled the pickup in Europe and sold it as the VW […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Why is the ANC looking at a media tribunal?

ANC leaders charged with overseeing a probe into a tribunal for the media defended the initiative under interrogation by the country’s editors yesterday. The Jacob Zuma-led ANC confirmed at December’s Polokwane conference a decision by the then Mbeki-dominated organisation last July to investigate whether the current system of press self-regulation should be replaced by a […]

Posted inNews/PoliticsTech


The armed forces always believed that subordination of the troops to the command was essential. If there were strictly enforced rules of behaviour maintained, then the soldier next to you would be able to rely on you performing according to drill during the times when the battle made everything else unpredictable. At what stage does […]

Posted inGeneral


The armed forces always believed that subordination of the troops to the command was essential. If there were strictly enforced rules of behaviour maintained, then the soldier next to you would be able to rely on you performing according to drill during the times when the battle made everything else unpredictable. At what stage does […]

Posted inGeneral

Technology and identity

In an earlier piece — The changing face of identity — I reflected on the implications and possible influence, if not “effects”, of the social networking site, Facebook, on people’s sense of identity. At the time, Vincent Maher made an interesting comment on my piece, questioning what he saw as the implication that I was […]

Posted inLifestyle

A Parktown prawn called Henry

I have a Parktown prawn called Henry living in my lounge. He is named after Henry Rollins, who I can’t wait to see tonight, because both look angry and inflated with steroids (and even Parktown prawns are more loveable when they have names). My Henry (the one without all the tattoos) has given me a […]

Posted inLifestyle

Genius cartoons

In the hopes that something here will make you smile … Pon and Zi ( Cute but somewhat heartbreaking cartoon characters that love too hard. Cyanide and Happiness ( From the bizarre to the macabre to the hilarious, you’re never quite sure what you’re getting with these guys, but it is (mostly) entertaining. Madam and […]

Posted inSport

Mr Zuma, South African sport is at war

South Africa’s three major sports are in turmoil and the problems lie with the politicians and individual administrators whose racism, negligence and megalomania are coming home to roost. South African cricket, after two successful series wins and a grand send-off for Shaun Pollock, is in the process of creating long-term hatred by the obsession with […]