Posted inMedia

Superficially South African

Submitted by Matthew Beetar I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Provinces of South Africa, and to the Republic for which it stands … Then again, maybe not. I have run into a fair amount of criticism for not being completely patriotic and enthusiastic about the construction of a compulsory South African identity. […]

Posted inGeneral

The need for a new enlightenment

Enough with the pig ignorance, violence and stupidity. Enough with bowing to religious bullies and bigots, racists and sexists. And, most of all, enough limiting ourselves to the narrow confines the past has laid down. The time has come to shake all that off, like the famous workers’ chains, and rise up to the potential […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zuma adds to national depression

Adding to the national depression is the news that the president of the ANC and the putative next president of our country, Jacob Zuma, has approached the courts of a fellow SADC member, Mauritius, slagging off President Thabo Mbeki and our institutions, accusing him of using the National Prosecuting Authority to engineer a political conspiracy […]

Posted inLifestyle

More design genius

Just a quickie before I pop back to the Design Indaba. Here are a few stands that caught my eye yesterday … they stood out for their beauty or innovation, or just because they were downright cool. Tintown ( is Andre Serfontein’s creation of metalworked decorative homeware. Whether “seriously sophisticated or wildly whimsical”, he’s doing […]

Posted inGeneral

What do we want from our life?

The American elections are quite interesting to outsiders for a change. Usually as a non-involved party, the endless primaries and the actual elections tend to be terrible yawn affairs. It’s normally time to cancel all newsletter subscriptions from the US. Not this time around. It’s good to see some of the younger generation engaging in […]