Posted inGeneral

The times, dreams and cinema

Freud called dreams “wish-fulfilments”, inviting the obvious objection, that this would fail to account for nightmares. Except … if we think of nightmares as negative wish-fulfilments — whatever it is that haunts you in your dreams, is precisely what we wish to avoid. The father of psychoanalysis also pointed out that dreams unfold in the […]

Posted inLifestyle

Las Vegas unplugged (part 1)

Here are some snapshots live from Las Vegas, the city I’ve been in for the last week. This post may be a bit disorderly, but I’ve got the ring of slot machines in my ears. It’s a sound that follows you everywhere in this city. Every hotel and its resident casino has a gimmick to […]

Posted inGeneral

The uncivilised state

Examine carefully the history of any state and one is soon waist-deep in blood. Consider just the permanent members of the Security Council: China, France, Russia, the UK and the US. Or the two most recent states — East Timor, and, since February 17 2008, Kosovo? Consider five centuries of colonialism. Five centuries! Consider Auschwitz. […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

High fidelity

Embroiled as I am in an argument with a furious member of the artistic community, I’m feeling the need to clear up some issues about art in this country. And before anyone starts saddling up the old high horse preparatory to riding me out of Dullsville, let me point out that just about the only […]