Posted inGeneral

Caught in a vicious cycle

Submitted by Michael Tsingo To think that I used to respect cops here! Is it that South African police have been informed to be ruthless and unreasonable when dealing with Zimbabwean offenders? Watching SABC3’s Special Assignment on Tuesday March 11 2008, I was surprised at how cops peacefully rounded up Vaal University of Technology students. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Dangerous experiments

Submitted by Dylan Edwards In 1971, Stanford University Professor Philip Zimbardo enlisted a number of university students as subjects of what became known as the Stanford prison experiments. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the behavioural and psychological effects of imprisonment on ordinary people. At the beginning of the experiment, students were randomly […]

Posted inGeneral

Immigrants: A threat or an opportunity?

North America, specifically the United States, has been a land peopled by descendants of Europe. At least, that’s how I perceived it to be. If you are ever in New York on St Patrick’s Day, check out the parade. It’s an endless procession of Irish descendants. The numbers could, of course, be attributed in part […]

Posted inLifestyle

Consequences indeed

Submitted by Gina de Villiers Last week, the mixed-race Margaret B Jones, who was raised in poverty and suffered an abusive childhood while running drugs for local gangs to survive, confessed to being white, to attending a private school and to enjoying a privileged upbringing in a suburb far from her fictitious home. As a […]