Posted inBusinessMedia

Social-media marketing needs a new name

Many people involved in the South African (and global) social media industry will agree that, if anything, these past few years have taught us a lot about web-based content and copywriting, online communities and networks, and marketing and communications on the internet. We have also seen how numerous companies, both locally and abroad, find value […]

Posted inGeneral

South Africa today: A personal assessment

Assessing the political and social conditions in a country is like volunteering an opinion on religion or sex; everyone believes that he or she is in a position to say something authoritative about it without necessarily doing so from an informed position. Moreover, what counts as being “informed” about such matters is not always easy […]

Posted inGeneral

What future South Africa?

Submitted by Anton Kleinschmidt The last thing that South Africa needs is timid submission to political correctness, because our politicians and bureaucrats are so consistently incorrect. A critical review of current realities and future prospects would serve no purpose if I resorted to watching my every word. One or two of the opinions that I […]

Posted inBusiness

Down with debasing anagrams — AA, BEE …

Submitted by James Tobias Suspend reality for a moment and imagine I am green and have no political agendas. Hard, but humour me. Has the time arrived for us to rid ourselves of initiatives designed at promoting one sector of the population over another? Fifteen years later, shouldn’t we allow natural forces to decide who […]