Posted inLifestyleMedia

Innovative inspiration (aka websites)

Just three today, but they’re all winners, as far as I’m concerned. This is kind of the continuation of my tapping into the design vein on the internet and seeing what I can find. There is a wealth of extraordinary stuff out there! So here are three whimsical Friday offerings: Sfgirlbybay ( At first, it […]

Posted inNews/Politics

From China, with love

Seventy-seven tonnes of guns, mortars and other rubbish is lying in Durbs harbour — ready to be shipped to Zim. From China, with love. It makes me sick; it makes me want to vomit, cry, shout, kick, and scream. It really wants to make me hurt someone. Really bad. And for a non-aggressive person, that […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zim behind the scenes

In the past couple of days I’ve been wondering what’s really going on behind the scenes in Zimbabwe. Many rumours have been in circulation, but I wasn’t too sure what to make of them. But now I’ve sniffed a very foul smell wafting from much further than Zimbabwe or Southern Africa — it comes all […]

Posted inLifestyle

Fresh grief

Death is serious business. It means the ending of a life of a person who once had dreams and aspirations that may or may not have been reached, but after the event of death, all is nullified and those dreams are terminated, if not bestowed upon the next generation for their longevity. It was so […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Hijab revolution

May 1968 was a month of revolution for France. It was a series of student protests and a general strike that caused the collapse of the De Gaulle government. The events were seen as an opportunity to shake up the “old society” and traditional morality, focusing especially on the education system and employment. And 40 […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Go, Zuma, go!

Before virtual tomatoes are flying through cyberspace and into my direction, I am not the least a JZ fan. The way he thinks about the relationships between men and women, his (in my opinion) strange ideas about HIV and showers, and the alleged corruption charges have made me very wary about this chap. However, despite […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Who will build Uhuru Highway?

The in-flight magazine on Kenyan Airways had the usual-usual. The spine of the magazine surprised: a Swahili proverb had been written on it. I cannot remember the exact wording, but it read something like: When two bulls fight, the people suffer. — Swahili proverb A subtle reminder that the political fighting in Kenya was having […]

Posted inLifestyle

A taste of Borneo

It’s my fourth day in Borneo and I’ve eaten such an odd assortment of things in such a weird range of flavours that my taste buds are thoroughly bewildered. A couple of days in the jungle regions near Sandakan have exposed them to tastes such as bitter gourd, pineapple-and-chilli salad, sago in coconut milk and […]