Posted inNews/Politics

Silent Tsunami

I calculated that my flight from London to Italy for the Human Rights Film Festival resulted in 0.340 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The flight to Dubai was 1.259 tonnes, and then another 0.130 tonnes to get to Qatar for the Aljazeera Documentary Festival. Were the benefits gained from these events worth it? Many human rights […]

Posted inLifestyle

Alternative healing under fire

Burrow through a copy of your favourite daily newspaper’s classifieds section these days and you’ll stare into the abyss of alternative “healing”. Herbalist Prince Fahad Mama Farida wants to sell you a magic stick that will make you rich in seven days. Prince Wakho (sic) offers safe abortions and better pay, while Prof Dunga proffers […]

Posted inLifestyle

The role of the blogger

Now here’s something I’d like to hash out a bit. What is the role of the blogger? There are enough blogs out there writing about intensely personal day-to-day stuff to suggest that the role of the blog is nothing more than an online Dear Diary. Then there are political blogs, commenting on and making observations […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The chief with Taiwanese blood and politainment

One of the reasons I have steadfastly steered clear of writing about politics (if you ignore my alarming ignorance on politics) is because I find politics excruciatingly boring. I’d rather spend eighteen hours a day picking prickly pears without gloves than spend fifteen minutes watching that insomnia-busting nothingness called Parliament Live featuring a riveting debate […]

Posted inLifestyle

A braai with my chommies

I’ve often driven past communal braaiing spots and wondered what kind of a person goes to all the effort of transporting braai paraphernalia to a public spot. Yesterday I found out. We had a braai in Tokai Forest and it was simply delightful. Open space, lots of trees and dappled sunlight, logs to sit on […]

Posted inGeneral

Online Millions: Finding your niche

In your pursuit of making millions online, the most important decision you will have to make is choosing the correct niche as your target audience. Do not fall into the trap of playing the “it’s for everyone” game, because it never is, and even if it was, you would never be able to afford it. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Hillary and the happy ending

It’s time to come clean. Against my better judgment, I think I may have had a soft spot for Hillary. Just a few weeks ago, I dreamt that the two of us were walking hand–in–hand. She was unusually charming. I was feeling guilty for not supporting her bid to become America’s next top commander. And […]

Posted inGeneral

Social-media marketing needs a new name

Many people involved in the South African (and global) social media industry will agree that, if anything, these past few years have taught us a lot about web-based content and copywriting, online communities and networks, and marketing and communications on the internet. We have also seen how numerous companies, both locally and abroad, find value […]