Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Business unusual — during apartheid

Judge Korman was the lone dissenting voice against the appeal of the Khulumani lawsuit in October 2007. The appeal was lodged against the judgement dismissing the plaintiffs’ claims under the United States’ Alien Tort Claims Act. The Khulumani Lawsuit, on behalf of Khulumani Support Group and less than 100 named plaintiffs, charges 23 foreign corporations […]

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The papertrail problem

Most corporates have terabytes of unstructured data floating around, which they do not know they have. New legislation is about to make life very interesting in this sphere. The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA or the Privacy Act as it is more commonly known), aims to ensure that consumers’ rights to privacy of data […]

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The 15 startup commandments

It’s still startup frenzy on the web (2.0) these days. If you haven’t read this before — here are the 15 startup commandments — a good read for those doing startup web companies. The author is Mark Fletcher (, founder of The commandments 1. Your idea isn’t new. Pick an idea — at least […]

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Is MS sacrificing corporate upgrades to save Mac:Office?

According to AppleInsider, Microsoft is doing an about face on support of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in its Mac:Office product. On the one hand this is a great step forward (or should that be backward) for Microsoft in that its user community, especially those in the corporate world, was most upset by the omission […]

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VoIP finally meeting early expectations

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which allows Internet users to make phone calls to each other at no cost, is finally taking off among South African businesses, four years after it became legal to use it outside company networks. This is the key finding of the VoIP in South Africa 2008 study, released today by […]

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Dipping a toe in the melting pot

Sydney is a city of immigrants. In that respect, it reminds me of London, but with better weather and more attractive scenery. Sometimes I wonder where all the Australians are, at least the ones actually born here. The bus from the airport is driven by a Turk with a huge boep and a less than […]

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If you had to pay, what would you pay for?

A big chunk of the Internet is free. A very big chunk. But what if it wasn’t? What if you had to pay for the services you consume (over and above what you pay for bandwidth)? Let’s ignore, for now, the slightly obtrusive fact that the Internet wouldn’t be nearly as big or influential as […]

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The case for identity management

Identity management (IdM) has become a buzz phrase in the industry surrounded by more confusion than facts and experience. So what exactly is an identity and why do we need to manage it? An identity consists of attributes describing a person — typically name, surname, ID number, email address, etc. IdM concerns itself with the […]

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Grand Theft Morals, or ultimate role model? (part I)

I’m fascinated and challenged by Grand Theft Auto (GTA) IV, the new, extremely violent, extremely popular video game. I need to tell you why in two parts. The first part describes the exciting potential of digital games for learning, listing a number of effective teaching qualities embedded in good games. Part two considers these qualities […]

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Don’t be a twit!

I’ve been Twittering for a week now. You know. The micro–blogging site where you can follow (or listen to) friends and complete strangers, and they can follow (or listen to) you in return. Where you can snoop around to check out whether Matthew Buckland is more popular than Vincent Maher, or if Mike Stopforth has […]

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Website hosting and test tube babies

Like the quest for ultimate self–enlightenment, the search for the perfect hosting company seems neverending. No matter how happy you are at the beginning, inevitably something crops up along the way that causes you to revisit your original decision. What was it that made you whip out your credit card? Why did you trust them? […]