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Anyone but United

I enjoy the National Arts Festival and try to get down as often as possible. I book a couple of shows, make plans to catch up with old friends and surf the wave of nostalgic memories. I’m not a live performance arts connoisseur by any stretch of the imagination, but I do enjoy a healthy […]

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Hockey finals

Toronto, June 06, 2008. On Wednesday, June 04, 2008, the very hot Detroit Red Wings won the Stanley Cup in Pittsburg in a game that proved again that hockey is the most captivating game in the world. This was the team’s fourth championship win in 11 years. The game also showed what separates the men […]

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The white boy’s club

“No economy can grow by excluding any part of its people, and an economy that is not growing cannot integrate all of its citizens in a meaningful way.” – from South Africa’s black economic empowerment strategy document. At the end of May I started writing about new media for ITWeb and thought my first story […]

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Do white South Africans hate local soccer?

Sometimes we ask ourselves certain questions in the privacy of our minds, and then wonder if other people would be offended if we were to ask these particular questions in public. This is where the beauty of democracy comes in. This liberal system of ours must at least protect “the right to be wrong” and […]

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Brian Mujati and the Martin family

As the president of the South African Rugby Legends Association I wish to express our unconditional support for Brian Mujati on his test debut against Wales in Bloemfontein. Brian is a young man who has played like a star and is a firm favourite of the Stormers fans. We wish him everything of the best […]

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Notes from eLearning Africa 2008

Last week I attended the third annual eLearning Africa conference in Accra, Ghana. Approximately 1500 delegates from 83 countries, mostly in Africa, gathered to discuss, share and promote various approaches to information and communication technologies (ICT) in education (primary, secondary and tertiary). The conference included researcher and practitioner presentations as well as exhibitions of commercial […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Homecoming revolution?

“Many South Africans are leaving the country.” “South Africa is experiencing a brain-drain, as many (especially white) professionals are leaving the country.” “Many South Africans are living abroad nowadays.” “Crime is driving South Africans out of their own country.” “If Zuma becomes president, I am leaving South Africa.” Above are just some of the comments […]