Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Happy World Refugee Day

I imagine the Tuesday night debate at Wits on xenophobia was the sort of event that attracted the kind of people who read and contribute to Thought Leader. I was there and I’m pleased to have made the effort. The discussion was interesting, and probably could have gone on for hours had there not been […]

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SA Rugby President spits dummy out in Parliament

SA Rugby Super 14 Franchise Participation Agreement 1 January 2006 – 31 May 2010What a day it has been today. A real eye opener on the professionalism of the Danny Jordaan LOC FIFA unit, compared to the amateur hour of SA Rugby’s Mickey Mouse unit headed up by Hoskins. All of this took place in […]

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Bring back the ban on foreign-based rugby players.

Two recent newspaper headlines “Grant turns down R10 million” and “Springbok captain John Smit released for club duty”, provide plenty food for thought. They once again raise questions about the expediency or necessity of allowing foreign-based rugby players to be eligible for Springbok selection. It could give a perception , probably false, that the honour […]

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Shoot magazine to close

When I was a young lad (leave it) one of the highlights of my week was popping down to the CNA for a copy of Shoot magazine, the weekly football publication from England. That, along with my copy of Tiger and Roy of the Rovers were things that I ensured were never to be missed. […]

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Aluta continua!

Submitted by Aalia Ismail Fourteen years on and what we have seen are distorted, dark-continent hypotheses-like attempts by the media to explain South Africa’s current state. This is a direct reflection of the destruction of our identity by colonial monsters further bludgeoned by our peripheral position in the skewed international political economy, as a result […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The US in the world: Barack Obama may turn out to be no different than previous presidents

Most people in the world, according to an Associated Press report, prefer Barack Obama for president of the United States. This optimism is somewhat understandable, given the global vigilantism of the ruling cabal that was identified by Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as the chief of staff of former foreign secretary Colin Powell. The cabal includes […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Lisbon Treaty and European Unification

Adoption of the Lisbon Treaty requires unanimous support by the European Union’s 27 member states. Ireland held a referendum on 12 June 2008, giving its citizens the opportunity to decide on the country’s relationship with the European Union. Ireland was the only country constitutionally obliged to hold a referendum, for Lisbon requires changes to Ireland’s […]

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Be sure to wear a flower in your hair

It’s really hard to summarise the experience of a first visit to San Francisco, assuming you’re at least somewhat a technology geek. San Francisco (and by that, one generally means the San Francisco Bay Area) is modern technology’s birthplace and still its hometown. Xerox PARC (as in Palo Alto Research Centre) either created or popularised […]

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Administer soccer like a real business

Township amateur soccer would have been so much poorer without “Prezza”. To the uninitiated, “Prezza” is a colloquial for Club President. Hierarchically, a Club President slots (in) high up in an administrative model found in Europe, mainly Spain. This model was copied and pasted locally. But unlike his counterparts at teams like Real Madrid and […]