Posted inLifestyle

A gathering for a good time

Good music? Check. Beautiful people? Check. The fundamental need for a good time? Check. All of thosewere to be found at DJ Kenzhero’s Party People (snicker) at Roka Bar in Milpark on Saturday. Dare I say this was the greatest party I have been to this year? Premature as that revelation might be, it is […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Blacks only

It can only happen in South Africa. Where else would you see a sign saying “No white students are allowed to enter”? It is almost a throwback to the apartheid days, but in reverse. I am, of course, referring to a story that appeared in the local newspapers this week about an accountancy Olympiad that […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyle

What do you do?

The Dalai Lama answers: “Nothing.” Great answer. Personally, I dread this question. First, because there is no all-encompassing answer. What I do almost depends on what day of the week it is. Second, the complexity of the answer also depends on who is asking it. If you are my hairdresser, the chances are you don’t […]

Posted inBusiness

The scourge of PowerPoint

If you ever have to do presentations to groups of people, you may find this useful. I’m a big fan of Edward Tufte — he’s a man who has made a career out of teaching people how to represent their thoughts and arguments in an elegant and useful manner. Wikipedia notes that the New York […]

Posted inGeneral

Howeffer: The magistrate strikes back!

Anyone who has ever been privileged to witness an Afrikaans magistrate giving his judgement or, more importantly here, his sentence, in English will know why I consider this the eighth wonder of the world. You can forget about Jackie Mason, Billy Connelly and Barry Hilton; just pop along to any magistrate’s court near you. Just […]

Posted inMediaTech

How to be a blog star

It is fairly clear who the most active players are in South African blogging, social networking and social media. Already, a laundry list is forming of names of individuals who are highly successful at rolling out new offerings in this Web 2.0 space, or simply successful at making a noise about it. The names will […]

Posted inGeneral

Service, please

It’s sad to see how little our public servants care about their jobs. And here I’m specifically referring to the little people, not the ministers or heads of department. These are the men and women who man counters, operate cash registers, print licences and take thumbprints. I recently had the misfortune of having to renew […]

Posted inSport

Official sketches leaked of Audi A1

Go to Car Online website I just got word that Car magazine has obtained the first official sketches of the so-called Mini-killer, the Audi A1. They write that these sketches have been “smuggled out of Audi’s design HQ”. The sketches show Audi’s tiny hatch in three-door trim, though a five-door, coupé and convertible are also […]

Posted inBusinessMediaNews/PoliticsTech

Let’s not be narrow-minded about broadband

The government’s plan to create a state-controlled company, Infraco, to drive down telecommunication costs and improve broadband internet access has, predictably, come under fire from free marketers. What we need, writes Duncan McLeod in the Financial Mail, is less state interference in the telecommunications sector, not more (read McLeod’s column). This strikes me as a […]

Posted inMediaTech

Facebook, the Web 2.0 killer

The existence of Facebook, the smash-hit social-networking site, may unwittingly kill off a host of other Web 2.0 start-ups. This is mainly because of Facebook’s inclusive and all-encompassing nature. The site appears to be blogging (lite), Twittering (short blogging), multiplayer gaming (simple games), dating, social networking, online photo management and even emailing all in one. […]