Posted inLifestyle

Perhaps this is too revealing …

… but I’m really not okay with not having another first kiss. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in the happiest relationship I can imagine, I wouldn’t want to be single and the thought of prowling clubs for a half-decent guy fills me with cold dread. But that moment! That just-before-a-first-kiss moment! That instant when you […]

Posted inMedia

Fudging circulation figures

No doubt you’ve all heard about the shenanigans going on over at Media24, admitting that 12 of its 60 magazine titles have “fudged” their circulation figures. (Read more here) This got me to thinking once again about just how transparent online is. For years, advertisers have trusted circulation reports for print. But what I now […]

Posted inSport

In it together

It was one of those moments. The British would say: “Ah, bless.” In South Africa, that translates to: “Ag shame.” Reading about the welcome the German women’s soccer team received in Frankfurt on Tuesday gave me a lump in the throat and a few small tears down my cheek. They were being celebrated for having […]

Posted inGeneral

Radiohead’s brave new world

On Monday Radiohead sent shockwaves through the music industry and paroxysms of fear through the major record labels when they announced that their new album In Rainbows would go on sale on the 10th October as a direct digital rights management (DRM) free download from their website. The price: whatever you feel like paying for […]

Posted inMediaTech

Radiohead’s brave new world

On Monday Radiohead sent shockwaves through the music industry and paroxysms of fear through the major record labels when they announced that their new album In Rainbows would go on sale on the 10th October as a direct digital rights management (DRM) free download from their website. The price: whatever you feel like paying for […]

Posted inLifestyle

Voda … please go

Earlier this year I moved house and went to the nearest Vodacom shop to change my billing address. I filled out the required form, signed it and had them make a copy of my ID, which was then faxed to the Vodacom head office. It’s now several months later … but I still don’t get […]

Posted inGeneral

SA’s top 51 blogs

These are the blogs that make it into the top 100 000 ranking on Technorati. They are competing with about 70-million other blogs, so being popular or widely read only in South Africa is not likely to get them this ranking. In other words, these are more than likely blogs that have a worldwide readership. If […]

Posted inTech

SA’s top 51 blogs

These are the blogs that make it into the top 100 000 ranking on Technorati. They are competing with about 70-million other blogs, so being popular or widely read only in South Africa is not likely to get them this ranking. In other words, these are more than likely blogs that have a worldwide readership. If […]