Posted inBusiness

Energy and economy

I find it somewhat amusing how humans seem to have designed and created incredibly successful societies based on the availability of different commodities. There was the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, the industrial age and now our own current information age. The logical progression from rock and caves to fire and […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Festival of what, precisely?

Publicists Total Exposure have announced a “Festival of Festivals”, showing at Ster-Kinekor’s Cinema Nouveau theatres from November 2: “For two weeks in November, Johannesburg will be transformed into Cannes and Cape Town into Venice when some of the world’s most acclaimed new films will be screened at the first annual Festival of Festivals,” goes the […]

Posted inSport

Rainbow nation my foot!

Black consciousness as a political movement may be suffering from a image crisis in this age of non-racism and rainbow-nationhood, but once in a while events remind us of how its teachings remain as relevant as when they first surfaced at black universities in the 1960s and early 1970s. For it were the Zim-Zims (as […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Hidden from sight

Have you ever asked yourself where South Africa’s disabled are? According to the Casual Day Welfare Organisation, 3,5-million people in South Africa are disabled. That’s almost 8% of our total population. But where are they? Apart from the odd person in a wheelchair or on crutches, our streets seem to be surprisingly empty of anyone […]