Posted inBusinessMediaTech

Web publishing goes (desk)topless

One of my friend Vinny Lingham‘s* latest projects, a revolutionary, browser-based, wysiwyg website builder, Synthasite, launched into beta this week (November 5). I had the good fortune of being able to play around with the latest incarnation just before its public release and I found it simple to use and quite addictive actually. Although all […]

Posted inNews/Politics

President Mbeki meets with President Al Bashir

The Democratic Alliance (DA) welcomes the meeting between President Mbeki and Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir in Cape Town today. We hope that the meeting between the two presidents will yield positive results and assist Sudan in coming closer to achieving a lasting political settlement between north and south as well as peace in the […]

Posted inMedia

The chicken-hawks of the media wars

The most prominent chicken-hawks of recent times are those — such as United States Vice-President Dick Cheney — who, while pushing for war, also push with great finesse for personal exemption from its risks. Thus Cheney, the two-time warmonger of Iraq (1991 and 2003), famously dodged combat in Vietnam, pleading that he had “other priorities”; […]

Posted inLifestyle

Back to basics

I’ll be the first to admit that my neighbour’s cat has seen more action than this blog these past few weeks. But a dire social scene and the weather to match is enough to get any party-goer to sit down and reflect, which is what I have been doing. I have been taking a breather […]