Posted inNews/Politics

Get in on the conversation

By Samantha Fleming Last week’s political fiascos (gosh, the choice of links is dazzling — Malema, Terre’Blanche, Visagie … or Malema?) brought a new kind of revolution to the social media landscape in South Africa. The frenzy of activity in a week of political theatrics brought new local subscribers to twitter and ramped up comments […]

Posted inBusiness

‘Nikey’ and the price war

Prices lie. Well, at the best they tell a half truth, masking a lot of what the full cost of a particular product is. A price tag will tell you, for example, that the bottle of Coke you’re holding costs one thing, while in actual fact the real cost is usually far more. I am […]

Posted inNews/Politics

AWB’s Visagie and SA’s urgent need for communication among all parties

So Andre Visagie, secretary-general of the AWB, really lost his cool recently on to the delight of the international media, especially the BBC. Addressing Visagie in the talk show, campaigner for human rights Lebohang Pheko was passionately asking a string of perfectly legitimate questions about the poverty and oppression of (largely black) farm workers. […]

Posted inGeneral

ANC must think South Africa, not members only

The African National Congress, as the current ruling party that provides the people who make up the government and the president of the country, are charged with running the country for all South Africans regardless of their political beliefs. Accordingly in responding to issues such as the murder of former AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, polarisation […]

Posted inGeneral

Six Nations vs Tri-Nations: And the money goes to …

International rugby is really squaring up to a North vs. South battle between the hemispheres, as to who gets to harvest the financial returns or not. The next five years will be particularly challenging for the Sanzar countries in spite of them occupying the top three slots of the International Rugby Board rankings, with little […]

Posted inGeneral

The importance of confidence and spreading it

The definition of confidence is as follows (with thanks to Wikipedia): Generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. How is confidence mitigated? If we take the definition above and go the other way, […]