When African National Congress Youth League President Julius Malema first raised the issue of nationalising the mines at the opening of the ANCYL political school in Krugersdorp, very few people took the matter seriously.

On the one hand ANC General Secretary Gwede Mantashe moved quickly to clarify the position ie that it was not part of the ruling party’s policies as no resolution had been passed in respect thereof at Polokwane.

In truth technically there is no basis upon which the party could bring this about without convening an extraordinary meeting of its delegates which is not going to happen.

ANC spokesperson Jesse Duarte then suggested that Malema, as is his right, was merely expressing a view on a particular subject which parties could debate.

All not so well and good — nationalisation-speak kills investment — when the ANCYL stepped in to say that Mantashe has no right to take Malema on in the media which is quickly followed by Cosatu and NUM supporting Malema’s call.

The Sowetan in an editorial has suggested that the government let us know — one way or another — what their thinking is on the issue.

The government and the ruling party have been unequivocal in confirming that it is not ANC policy nor can it be until the next national conference.

However, we must accept that this is not a debate about a tariff hike or 2010 stadium, this goes right to the heart of financial policies which are monitored globally and domestically.

In accordance therewith the president needs to be heard loud and proud confirming the position outlined by Mantashe and calling upon the youth and alliance partners to consider the damage they do when they make reckless statements like these.

Let the political school use that statement at its first lesson on how to avoid damaging your economy.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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